1. 如果你没有processing IDE,需要先下载,地址是:processing.org.
2.你还需要下载 oscP5 library,地址是:http://www.sojamo.de/libraries/oscP5/#installation
解压文件,将oscP5文件夹移动到目录 {C:\Users\[your user name]\Documents\Processing\libraries\}
3. 打开附件的代码运行。
Processing IDE运行方式和 Arduino IDE一样:File->open
4. 在Arduino IDE上为Arduino板选择COM接口,记住你的数字
Tools-> serial port-> COM?
//----------------------Arduino code------------------------- int message = 0; // This will hold one byte of the serial message int forwardPin = 12; int forward = 0; int leftPin = 9; int left = 0; int rightPin = 8; int right = 0; int downPin = 11; int down = 0; void setup() { pinMode(rightPin, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); //set serial to 9600 baud rate } void loop(){ if (Serial.available() > 0) { // Check if there is a new message message = Serial.read(); // Put the serial input into the message if (message == 'U'){ // If a capitol R is received... forward = 255; // Set forward to 255 (on) } if (message == 'u'){ // If a lowercase r is received... forward = 0; // Set forward to 0 (off) } if (message == 'L'){//If capitol L is received.. left = 255;//set left to 255 } if (message == 'u'){// If lowercase l is recieved... left = 0;//set left to 0 } if (message == 'R'){ // I think you get it right = 255; } if (message == 'u'){ right = 0; } if (message == 'D'){ down = 255; } if (message == 'u'){ down = 0; } } analogWrite(forwardPin, forward); // Write an analog value between 0-255analogWrite(leftpin,left); analogWrite(leftPin, left); analogWrite(rightPin, right); analogWrite(downPin, down); }
import processing.serial.*; import oscP5.*; import netP5.*; OscP5 oscP5; int alphaValue; Serial arduinoPort; float v_push1 = 0.0f; float v_push2 = 0.0f; float v_push3 = 0.0f; float v_push4 = 0.0f; void setup() { size(320,440); frameRate(25); arduinoPort = new Serial(this, "COM4", 9600);//change to the serial port arduino is on /* start oscP5, listening for incoming messages at port 8000 */ oscP5 = new OscP5(this,8000); } void oscEvent(OscMessage theOscMessage) { String addr = theOscMessage.addrPattern(); float val = theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue(); if(addr.equals("/1/push1")) { v_push1 = val; } else if(addr.equals("/1/push2")) { v_push2 = val; } else if(addr.equals("/1/push3")) { v_push3 = val; } else if(addr.equals("/1/push4")) { v_push4 = val; } } void draw() { background(0); // fader5 + push 1-4 outlines fill(0); stroke(0, 196, 168); rect(17,21,287,55); rect(17,369,60,50); rect(92,369,60,50); rect(168,369,60,50); rect(244,369,60,50); // fader5 + push 1-4 fills fill(0, 196, 168); if(v_push1 == 1.0f) rect(22,374,50,40); if(v_push2 == 1.0f) rect(97,374,50,40); if(v_push3 == 1.0f) rect(173,374,50,40); if(v_push4 == 1.0f) rect(249,374,50,40); if(v_push1 == 1.0f) arduinoPort.write("U"); if(v_push1 == 0.0f) arduinoPort.write("u"); if(v_push2 == 1.0f) arduinoPort.write("D"); if(v_push2 == 0.0f) arduinoPort.write("d"); if(v_push3 == 1.0f) arduinoPort.write("L"); if(v_push3 == 0.0f) arduinoPort.write("l"); if(v_push4 == 1.0f) arduinoPort.write("R"); if(v_push4 == 0.0f) arduinoPort.write("r");
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